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SKIN1004 Centella Light Cleansing Oil 200ml - Gezichtsreiniging - Make-up Remover - Korean Skincare

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SKIN1004 Centella Light Cleansing Oil 200ml - Gezichtsreini…

Laatst opgehaald op 5 februari 2025

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SKIN1004 Centella Light Cleansing Oil 200ml - Gezichtsreiniging - Make-up Remover - Korean Skincare
Product Omschrijving

<p> </p> <p>The SKIN1004 Madagascar Centella Light Cleansing Oil is an all in one cleanser that is able to remove base makeup and color makeup like lipstick and mascara. No need for multiple cleansing. Finish off washing your face quickly and simple with this product. Contains Centella Asiatica for hydrating, soothing and blemishes care effects. Mild and safe ingredients including plant derived oils that will not irritant your skin. Light texture and cleanse deeply inside pores to provide fresh feel after washing. Skin1004 micellar method to provide unique cleansing oil. It’s a transparent water type at the beginning but becomes milky when comes in contact with water. This allows thorough cleansing and moist finish.</p> <p><strong>How to use:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Dispense a certain amount onto wet hands creating lather</li> <li>Apply thoroughly onto face</li> <li>thoroughly rinse off with lukewarm water.</li> </ul>

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5 februari 2025

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