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Shatter Me - Shatter Me

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Shatter Me - Shatter Me

Laatst opgehaald op 22 februari 2025

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Shatter Me - Shatter Me
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<p>Stranger Things meets Shadow and Bone in this first instalment of an epic and romantic YA fantasy series - perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Sarah J. Maas and Victoria Aveyard. Now a TikTok phenomenon. A fragile young teenage girl is held captive. Locked in a cell by The Reestablishment - a harsh dictatorship in charge of a crumbling world. This is no ordinary teenager. Juliette is a threat to The Reestablishment's power. A touch from her can kill - one touch is all it takes. But not only is she a threat, she is potentially the most powerful weapon they could have. Juliette has never fought for herself before but when she's reunited with the one person who ever cared about her, the depth of the emotion and the power within her become explosive ...</p> <p>Addictive, intense, and oozing with romance. I'm envious. I couldn't put it down.... - Lauren Kate, </p>

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22 februari 2025

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